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NGS Sample Preparation
NGS Oncology Assays
PCR/qPCR/Nucleic Acid Extraction
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DNA Library Prep
Explore the high-quality KAPA DNA library preparation reagents containing enzymes and buffers evolved through our directed evolution technology.
RNA Library Prep
Construct RNA library for next generation sequencing using reagents selected specifically for NGS library construction.
NGS Target Enrichment
Find target-specific solution-based hybridization oligos for generating highly enriched target DNA regions. KAPA HyperCap Probes and KAPA HyperPETE Primers are available both as fixed panels and custom designs along with superior software tools.
NGS Oncology Assays
A versatile solution for tumor tissue and ctDNA analysis with an integrated end-to-end workflow
NGS Automation
Elevate automated sample preparation with integrated workflows, trusted reagents and connectivity.
High-quality PCR and qPCR reagents selected for specific NGS applications.
Digital PCR
Digital LightCycler® System will offer a game changing combination of: three unique solid state partition plates, six channel multiplexing capabilities, a 5x concentrated master mix reagent, and highly sophisticated optics.
Nucleic Acid Extraction
The Roche family of MagNA Pure Systems dramatically reduces the handling errors associated with manual techniques by automating and simplifying nucleic acid extraction.
Light Mix® and Light Mix® Modular Assays
LightMix® and LightMix® Modular assays are compatible with Roche instruments, master mixes and controls to give you a streamlined, efficient workflow.
All products
DNA Library Preparation
High-quality reagents containing enzymes and buffers evolved through our directed evolution technology
RNA Library Preparation
Construct RNA library for next generation sequencing
Library Amplification
With enzymes specially engineered for low-amplification bias and uniform coverage of difficult regions
Library Quantification
Accurately quantify library molecules to offer uniform distribution of reads across all libraries in a pool
Target Enrichment
Target-specific solution-based hybridization oligos for generating highly enriched target DNA regions
NGS Automation
NGS Accessories
All accessories needed for a streamlined NGS workflow through Roche’s portfolio
OEM/Custom Solutions
Sample QC
Reliable assessment of library concentration and quality in a single assay
All Sample Preparation products
Comprehensive genomic profiling
Tumor profiling
Surveillance & monitoring
Tumor tissue analysis
ctDNA analysis
All Oncology assays
Get deeper genomic insights about solid tumors
AVENIO Edge System
Elevate automated sample preparation with integrated workflows, trusted reagents and connectivity
Digital LightCycler
KAPA EvoPlus
KAPA HyperPlus Kits
A streamlined workflow that includes fully automatable fragmentation and library preparation in a single tube
KAPA HyperPrep Kits
A streamlined library preparation protocol that combines several enzymatic steps and eliminates bead cleanups
KAPA Library Quantification Kits
Accurate and reliable quantification of libraries prepared for sequencing on Illumina platforms
KAPA RNA HyperPrep Kits
Experience single-day RNA library preparations, including mRNA capture and rRNA depletion.
KAPA HiFi DNA Polymerase
KAPA HyperCap
All Products
Real-time PCR Systems
Digital PCR Systems
Real-time & end-point PCR reagents
High-quality PCR and qPCR reagents selected for specific NGS applications
Nucleic Acid Extraction Systems