
KAPA HyperExome

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

KAPA HyperExome product

Efficient, and uniform hybridization-based capture for Whole Exome Sequencing

Combining more than a decade of probe-design experience with an improved probe-manufacturing process, the new KAPA HyperExome probe pools enable efficient, uniform hybridization-based capture for Whole Exome Sequencing (WES). Achieve sensitive, reliable detection of genomic alterations, including single-nucleotide variations (SNVs), indels, copy-number variations (CNVs), gene fusions, inversions, and other rearrangements within exonic regions.

  • Reduce sequencing costs and save time through superior capture uniformity that lowers the amount of sequencing required to detect variants
  • Reliably enrich challenging, previously inaccessible exonic regions
  • Ensure accurate sample identification with 387 sample-tracking SNPs
  • Streamline targeted enrichment using the updated KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3, driven by KAPA EvoPrep or KAPA EvoPlus library preperation kits

Performance data

Reduce sequencing costs and save time

  • Optimize sequencing throughput with the compact ~43 Mb design of KAPA HyperExome
  • Achieve better coverage compared to Supplier X, especially with deeper sequencing

KAPA HyperExome yields greater % reads-on-target, deeper median coverage, and broader target coverage compared to the Supplier X Exome. 

Reduce sequencing costs and save time

Figure 1. KAPA HyperExome yields greater % reads-on-target, deeper median coverage, and broader target coverage compared to the Supplier X Exome.

For both the KAPA HyperExome and Supplier X exome workflows: DNA from 16 cell lines was processed in triplicate (48 total libraries per workflow); input DNA was enzymatically sheared; samples were pre-capture multiplexed in sets of 8 and hybridized for 16 hours; final post-capture libraries were amplified with 8 PCR cycles; and libraries were sequenced (2 x 100 bp) on an Illumina® NovaSeq™ sequencer. For the KAPA HyperExome samples, libraries were prepared from 100 ng of DNA with KAPA HyperPlus Kits using KAPA Universal Adapter and KAPA UDI Primer Mixes; hybridization and washes were carried out at 55ºC following 8 pre-capture PCR cycles. Supplier X samples were prepared according the manufacturer’s instructions from 50 ng of genomic DNA. For analysis, sequencing data was subsampled proportionally to exome panel size to achieve the same targeted average depth of coverage.

Maximize throughput with superior capture uniformity

  • Drive sequencing efficiency by leveraging design expertise and using extensively optimized panels
  • Achieve best overall balance even across hard-to-capture regions
KAPA HyperExome achieves highly uniform coverage

Figure 2. KAPA HyperExome achieves highly uniform coverage—even across regions with high or low %GC

Prior to capture with KAPA HyperExome probes, libraries were prepared from 100 ng of DNA with KAPA HyperPlus Kits using KAPA Universal Adapter and KAPA UDI Primer Mixes. Libraries (8) were multiplexed prior to capture, hybridized to probes for 16 hours, amplified post-capture, and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq sequencer (2 x 100 bp). Bars represent data from 16 different cell lines processed in triplicate. Each dataset in Panel B is derived from a different cell line.

Reliably enrich challenging, previously inaccessible exonic regions

  • Improve coverage of key research genes in important genomic databases including ACMG59, CCDS, and ClinVar
  • Discover more variants with the comprehensive-yet-compact KAPA HyperExome panel


Reliably enrich challenging, previously inaccessible exonic regions

Figure 3. KAPA HyperExome provides better coverage of important genomic databases compared to the Supplier X Exome. 

For both the KAPA HyperExome and Supplier X exome workflows: DNA from 16 cell lines was processed in triplicate (48 total libraries per workflow); input DNA was enzymatically sheared; samples were pre-capture multiplexed in sets of 8 and hybridized for 16 hours; final post-capture libraries were amplified with 8 PCR cycles; and libraries were sequenced (2 x 100 bp) on an Illumina® NovaSeq™ sequencer. For the KAPA HyperExome samples, libraries were prepared from 100 ng of DNA with KAPA HyperPlus Kits using KAPA Universal Adapter and KAPA UDI Primer Mixes; hybridization and washes were carried out at 55ºC following 8 pre-capture PCR cycles. Supplier X samples were prepared according the manufacturer’s instructions from 50 ng of genomic DNA. For analysis, sequencing data was subsampled proportionally to exome panel size to achieve the same targeted average depth of coverage.

Ensure accurate sample identification

Researchers often use control spike-ins to track samples throughout NGS workflows. However, sample-handling errors can still lead to incorrect sample identification. HyperExome targets 387 selected SNP positions to serve as intrinsic sample identifiers that are independent of sample handling, enabling researchers to:

  • Eliminate errors associated with manual addition of sample-tracking spike-ins
  • Increase the reliability of NGS results with greater confidence in sample identity
  • Reduce costly sample misidentification
Overview of sample tracking

Figure 4. Overview of sample tracking with the 387 tracking SNPs captured by KAPA HyperExome probes. In order to confirm sample identification after sequencing, the unique identity of each sample is first established by using an independent, orthogonal method (e.g., qPCR, SNP array, Sanger sequencing) to classify ~60 – 100 sample-specific SNPs; it is important to select SNPs that correspond to those captured by the KAPA HyperExome panel. The sample identities are then confirmed by matching the SNP data from both sources.

kapa te probes hypercap oncology

Explore KAPA Target Enrichment Probes: Better by Design

KAPA Target Enrichment Probes are manufactured with KAPA HiFi DNA Polymerase and demonstrate extremely high sequence fidelity, high on-target rates, and high accuracy and reproducibility.

Learn More
hypercap workflow hypercap oncology

Streamline target enrichment with the KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3

KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3 delivers complex libraries by combining the high conversion rate of KAPA HyperPrep or KAPA HyperPlus Kits with KAPA Target Enrichment, creating a streamlined, single-vendor supported workflow.

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Purchase convenient all-in-one kits or simply the KAPA HyperExome Probes in convenient reaction pack sizes, which start from 12 reactions and exceed 4000 reactions.

Purchase convenient all-in-one kits or simply the KAPA HyperExome Probes in convenient reaction pack sizes, which start from 12 reactions and exceed 4000 reactions.

Roche Cat. No
Kit Size
How to buy
KAPA HyperExome 12 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome 24 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome 48 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome 96 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome 192 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome 384 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome 768 rxn
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KAPA HyperExome Prep Kit

Complete KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3 NGS sample prep kit for 192 8-plex reaction samples

Includes: KAPA HyperPrep Kit, Universal Adapters, HyperBeads, Probes Resuspension Buffer, HyperExome, HyperCapture Reagent Kit, and HyperCapture Bead Kit

192 8-plex reactions
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KAPA HyperExome Plus Kit

Complete KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3 NGS sample prep kit for 192 8-plex reaction samples

Includes: KAPA HyperPlus Kit, Universal Adapters, HyperBeads, Probes Resuspension Buffer, HyperExome, HyperCapture Reagent Kit, and HyperCapture Bead Kit

192 8-plex reactions
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Talk with your Roche Sales Representative for additional pack sizes.

Reagents and accessories are also available separately.