KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Thumbnail image of KAPA HyperCap kit boxes

Combining more than a decade of probe design experience with a high-fidelity probe manufacturing process, the KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel enables comprehensive, in-depth access to hereditary disease genomic content. This compact panel for hybridization-based target enrichment offers greater sequencing efficiency, high on-target rates, and low PCR duplication rates. Order this 10 Mb hybrid capture panel today and start investigating heredity disease tomorrow.

  • Enrich for 3332 genes strongly associated with hereditary genetic diseases and oncology, including ClinVar pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants
  • Maximize sequencing efficiency with >98% target coverage at 30X with (10 M high-quality clusters)
  • Streamline targeted sequencing with the HyperCap Workflow v3, driven by KAPA HyperPrep or KAPA HyperPlus Library Prep Kits 

Enrich for 3332 genes strongly associated with hereditary genetic diseases and oncology

  • Enrich for more than 85% of ClinVar pathogenic and likely pathogenic content at >30X by targeting 3332 carefully selected genes with a sequencing-efficient 10 Mb capture panel
  • Achieve a high percentage of bases covered at ≥30X for disease-associated genes from key genomic databases 
Chart showing that, in key genomic databases, KAPA Heredity Panel covers a high % of bases at >30X

Figure 1. Percent of bases in key genomic databases covered at ≥30X using the KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel.

Target-enriched libraries were created following the standard KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3 with the KAPA HyperPrep Kit, using 100 ng of gDNA as input (96 library replicates; NA12878 DNA) and 12-plex pre-capture multiplexing for hybrid capture. Final libraries were sequenced on a NovaSeq™ 6000 system (2 x 100 bp) and downsampled to 10 M high-quality filtered clusters prior to analysis.

Project: KAPA HyperCap Fixed Panels, Pleasanton, CA 2021

Maximize sequencing efficiency with >98% target coverage at 30X with 10 M high-quality clusters

  • Enrich for more than 85% of ClinVar pathogenic and likely pathogenic content at >30X by targeting 3332 carefully selected genes with a sequencing-efficient 10 Mb capture panel
  • Achieve a high percentage of bases covered at ≥30X for disease-associated genes from key genomic databases 
Bar chart showing key sequencing and TE metrics for the KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel using KAPA HyperPrep for library prep

Figure 2. Key sequencing metrics generated with the KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel. 

Target-enriched libraries were created following the standard KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3 with the KAPA HyperPlus Kit, using 100 ng of gDNA as input (duplicate samples using gDNA from 16 Coriell cell lines) and 8-plex pre-capture multiplexing. Final libraries were sequenced on a NovaSeq™ 6000 system (2 x 100 bp) and downsampled to 10 M high-quality filtered clusters prior to analysis.

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KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel

12 rxn
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KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel

24 rxn
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KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel

48 rxn
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KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel

96 rxn
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KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel

192 rxn
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