LightCycler­® 480 Instrument II

For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.
AVENIO Edge System
Accuracy. Versatility. Convenience.

The LightCycler® 480 System is a high-performance, medium- to high-throughput PCR platform (96- or 384-well plates) that provides various methods for gene detection, gene expression analysis, genetic variation analysis, and array data validation.

The system features the LightCycler® 480 Instrument, a versatile, plate-based real-time PCR device that supports mono- or multicolor applications as well as multiplex protocols. The benchtop instrument is easily customizable to meet changing user requirements, and can be integrated into everyday use as a robotically controlled, automated high-throughput solution. 



  • High-performance hardware
  • Innovative software
  • Specially designed disposables
  • Application-optimized reagents for a variety of experiments

Fast, highly sensitive, and reproducible results

Obtain fast, highly sensitive, and reproducible results for qualitative and quantitative detection of nucleic acids, mutation scanning, and SNP analysis. Use basic and advanced methods for gene expression and genotyping based on endpoint analysis or melting curves.

  • Benefit from cutting-edge thermal block and optical technology that leads to excellent well-to-well homogeneity and maximized detection sensitivity.
  • Use a wide range of probe formats (e.g., FRET or HybProbe probes, SimpleProbe probes, hydrolysis probes) and fluorescent dyes (e.g., SYBR Green I, ResoLight Dye, FAM, HEX, Cy5, LightCycler® Red 610, LightCycler® Red 640, and LightCycler® CYAN 500).
  • Choose the optimal type of multiwell plate (white or clear) to best fit your assay format, application, and workflow. Use the available adapter plate to also work with LightCycler® 8-tube strips.
  • Build a modular real-time PCR platform to meet your particular needs. Flexibly switch between plate formats and thermal block cyclers in just a few minutes with no recalibration time, and benefit from additional user-friendly software modules.
  • Extract meaningful results via the state-of-the-art data analysis methods, in line with MIQE guidelines. Analyze true raw data without the need for passive reference dyes or normalization plates.
  • Protect your data using a system compatible with 21 CFR part 11 requirements.
  • Integrate the LightCycler® 480 System as part of a LIMS in combination with robotic pipetting and plate loading.
Features LightCycler 480
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W x D x H: 24 in x 24 in x 21.5 in (57.4 cm x 58.8 cm x 49.7 cm)


121 lb (55.6 kg)

Power consumption

200–240 Vac (50/60 Hz, 1500 VA)

Reaction volumes

5 μL–20 μL (384-well)

10 μL–100 μL (96-well)

Temperature control

Peltier-based heating/cooling from 37°C–95°C (20° starting temperature to perform specific melting curve analyses) 

Heating rate

96-well block: 4.4°C/s

384-well block: 4.8°C/s

Cooling rate

96-well block: 2.2°C/s

384-well block: 2.5°C/s


LightCycler® 480 LED Lamp (430-630 nm)


Cooled monochrome CCD camera


Excitation (nm): 440, 465, 498, 533, 618

Detection (nm): 488, 510, 580, 610, 640, 660


Pentium PC with Windows 7

Preinstalled software configuration

  • Absolute Quantification
  • Relative Quantification Analysis
  • Tm Calling
  • Endpoint Genotyping
  • Absolute Quantification Analysis
  • Melting Curve Genotyping

Accessory software 

analysis module

Gene Scanning Software


  • Interface with LightCycler® 480 LIMS Interface Module
  • Barcode-assisted multiwell plate scanning
  • Plate loading capability

Data management

21 CFR Part 11 compatibility

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Product Cat.No. Pack Size

LightCycler® 480 Instrument II, 96-well

05 015 278 001

1 Instrument1

LightCycler® 480 Instrument II, 384-well

05 015 243 001

1 Instrument1

LightCycler® 480 Block Kit 96 Silver

05 015 219 001

1 Kit2

LightCycler® 480 Block Kit 384 Silver 

05 015 197 001

1 Kit2

LightCycler® 480 Bar-Code Scanner

04 710 606 001

1 Scanner

LightCycler® 480 Software, Version 1.5.1

04 994 884 001 

1 Software Package

LightCycler® 480 LIMS Interface Module

05 066 310 001

1 Software Package

LightCycler® 480 Gene Scanning Software

05 103 908 001

1 Software Package

LightCycler® 480 Multiple Plate Analysis Software 

05 075 122 001

1 Software Package

LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plate 96, white

04 729 692 001

50 Plates / 50 Foils

LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plate 384, white

04 729 749 001

50 Plates / 50 Foils

LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plate 96, clear 

05 102 413 001

50 Plates / 50 Foils

LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plate 384, clear

05 102 430 001

50 Plates / 50 Foils

LightCycler® 480 Sealing Foil

04 729 757 001

50 Foils

  1. Instrument package includes LightCycler® 480 Instrument, LightCycler® 480 thermal block unit (96- or 384-well), LightCycler® 480 Software, Version 1.5.1, LightCycler® 480 Instrument Operator’s Manual. A Pentium desktop PC is supplied with the instrument.
  2. Kit package includes LightCycler® 480 thermal block unit (96- or 384-well), block cover, storage box.
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