KAPA2G Fast PCR Kits contain a second-generation (2G) DNA polymerase enzyme engineered for higher processivity and speed, offering significantly faster extension rates than wild-type Taq polymerase. In addition to speed, KAPA2G Fast PCR Kit provides higher yields and sensitivity than competitor enzymes across a broad range of targets.
KAPA2G Fast PCR Kits

Product highlights
High speed and performance compared to competitor kits
- Reduced cycling times, up to 75%*
- Extension times as low as 1 sec per kilobase
- Broad coverage of both AT- and GC-rich targets
View human genomic DNA amplification data showing reduced cycling time and better PCR performance using KAPA2G Fast PCR Kit compared to competitor kits, and data showing reduced reaction times using HotStart KAPA2F Fast DNA polymerase compared to HotStart wild type Taq enzyme.
High sensitivity and yield
- Single copy sensitivity from complex targets
- Increased yields
View performance data generated using HotStart KAPA2F Fast PCR Kit showing amplification of a 1.3 kb fragment of the macrophage stimulating factor 1 receptor gene.
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*Data on file.
Kits can be stored for up to 18 months at -20˚C.
Standard kits include KAPA2G Fast (5 U/μL), KAPA2G Buffer A (5X, with 1.5 mM MgCl2 at 1X) or KAPA2G Buffer M (5X, MgCl2-free), and MgCl2(25 mM). Kits are available with and without dNTP Mix (10 mM each).
ReadyMix formulations (2X) of KAPA2G Fast and KAPA2G Fast HotStart DNA Polymerase are also available. These contain DNA polymerase, reaction buffer (with and without dye), and MgCl2 (at a final concentration of 1.5 mM).
Components |
KAPA2G Fast Standard or HotStart DNA Polymerase (5 U/µL) |
5X KAPA2G Buffer A with MgCl2 |
5X KAPA2G Buffer M (Mg-free; available with select HotStart kits) |
MgCl2 (25 mM) |
dNTP Mix (10 mM each dNTP; optional) |
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KAPA Code |
Roche Cat. No |
Description |
Kit Size |
How to buy |
KK5009 |
07960778001 |
With dNTPs | 250 U |
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KK5021 |
07960824001 |
Standard kit | 250 U |
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KK5500 |
07960930001 |
HotStart PCR Kit, with dNTPs | 500 U |
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KK5501 |
07960948001 |
HotStart PCR Kit | 500 U |
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KK5502 |
07960956001 |
HotStart PCR Kit, with dNTPs | 250 U |
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KK5510 |
07960999001 |
HotStart PCR Kit with Mg-free Buffer M, with dNTPs | 500 U |
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KK5512 |
07961014001 |
HotStart PCR Kit with Mg-free Buffer M, with dNTPs | 250 U |
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KK5519 |
07961090001 |
HotStart PCR Kit | 2500 U |
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KK5523 |
07961111001 |
HotStart PCR Kit | 100 U |
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KK5530 |
07961162001 |
HotStart PCR Kit, with dNTPs | 100 U |
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KAPA Code |
Roche Cat. No |
Description |
Kit Size |
How to buy |
KK5101 |
07960883001 |
ReadyMix with dye, 100 x 25 µL reactions | 1.25 mL |
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KK5102 |
07960891001 |
ReadyMix with dye, 500 x 25 µL reactions | 6.25 mL |
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KK5601 |
07961227001 |
HotStart ReadyMix, 500 x 25 µL reactions | 6.25 mL |
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KK5603 |
07961235001 |
HotStart ReadyMix, 100 x 25 µL reactions | 1.25 mL |
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KK5608 |
07961260001 |
HotStart ReadyMix with dye, 100 x 25 µL reactions | 1.25 mL |
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KK5609 |
07961278001 |
HotStart ReadyMix with dye, 500 x 25 µL reactions | 6.25 mL |
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