KAPA Long Range PCR Kits

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KAPA Long Range PCR product


The KAPA Long Range PCR system is a blend of Taq DNA polymerase and an engineered archaeal (B-family) DNA polymerase possessing proofreading capability. This two-enzyme system is designed specifically to support long-range and/or sensitive PCR, and possesses 3–4X higher fidelity than Taq polymerase.


Features and Benefits of KAPA Long Range PCR Kits

  • Hot-start formulation – combined with a proprietary antibody that inactivates the enzyme until the first denaturation step 
  • Elimination of spurious amplification products and increase in reaction efficiency and sensitivity
  • Supplied in a 2X ReadyMix format with a loading dye, allowing direct loading of PCR products onto agarose gels with no extra steps for adding loading/tracking dye
  • Contain all the components required for PCR except primers and template

Product highlights

Amplification of long targets with high sensitivity

  • High sensitivity and specificity up to 15 kb
  • High yields with low input DNA

View data showing highly specific amplification of targets with different amplicon lengths using KAPA Long Range PCR kits.

Superior PCR performance with complex targets compared to competitor kits

  • Outperforms competitor kits in terms of high yield, sensitivity and specificity* 

View data showing greater sensitivity and specificity using KAPA Long Range PCR kits compared to competitor kits.


For purchasing or general questions

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*Data on file.


  • Starting Material

    Genomic DNA, cDNA, plasmid, lambda

  • Input Amount

    < 100 ng for genomic DNA, cDNA < 10 ng for less complex DNA

Kits may be stored for up to 18 months at -20˚C.

Kits include KAPA Long Range or KAPA Long Range HotStart DNA Polymerase (5 or 2.5 U/μL), MgCl2-free KAPA Long Range Buffer (5X), high-quality dNTP Mix (10 mM each) and MgCl2 (25 mM).  KAPA Long Range HotStart is also available in KAPA Long Range HotStart ReadyMix with dye (2X), which contains DNA Polymerase, reaction buffer with loading dye, dNTPs and MgCl2 (at a final concentration of 2 mM).


  • Starting Material

    Genomic DNA, cDNA, plasmid, lambda

  • Input Amount

    < 100 ng for genomic DNA, cDNA < 10 ng for less complex DNA


KAPA Long Range DNA Polymerase (5 U/µL) or KAPA Long Range HotStart DNA Polymerase (2.5 U/µL)
5X KAPA Long Range Buffer (without Mg2+)
MgCl(25 mM)
dNTP Mix (10 mM each dNTP)

For purchasing or general questions

For online ordering

Roche Cat. No
Kit Size
How to buy
HotStart PCR Kit ,with dNTPs 250 U
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HotStart PCR Kit, with dNTPs 500 U
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Roche Cat. No
Kit Size
How to buy
HotStart ReadyMix with dye, 100 x 25 µL reactions 1.25 mL
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HotStart ReadyMix with dye, 500 x 25 µL reactions 6.25 mL
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