AVENIO Tumor Tissue Expanded Kit V2

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
AVENIO tumor tissue expanded kits

The AVENIO Tumor Tissue Expanded Kit V2 is an NGS assay for expanded profiling of solid tumors in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. This assay contains 77 genes in the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)2 and other guidelines, plus 60 emerging biomarkers investigated in clinical research trials.


Features and Benefits of AVENIO Tumor Tissue Expanded Kits


  • Panel content exactly-matched to gene panel in the AVENIO ctDNA Expanded Kit V2 (same genes, gene regions and hybrid-capture workflow) to facilitate concordance analysis between tissue and plasma
  • All four mutation classes (SNVs, indels, fusions and CNVs) in a single DNA workflow
  • Flexibility to switch between tissue and plasma to support a variety of research applications
  • A streamlined, end-to-end workflow from extraction to analysis and reporting in 5 days
  • Includes reagents for DNA extraction, library preparation and target enrichment, as well as bioinformatics and software required to analyze sequencing data and generate reports

Exceptional Performance1

AVENIO tumor tissue targeted kit metrics
AVENIO ctDNA expanded kit gene list
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  1. Data on file with Roche.
  2. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Accessed Aug 2, 2023