KAPA HyperCap Oncology Panel

KAPA HyperCap Oncology Panel excels with difficult samples
The KAPA HyperCap Oncology panel is a 214 Kb capture target panel covering the full coding sequence of 13 genes related to somatic oncology research (ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, CHEK2, EGFR, ERBB2, KRAS, MET, MYCN, RAD51C, RAD51D, TP53) as well as hotspot variants across 69 relevant genes, which are found in commercially available controls. It is readily available from stock and it offers consistent quality by NGS probes QC of every lot. It is optimized to deliver high uniformity and high specificity from FFPET and cfDNA samples.
Access the information hidden in low-quality FFPET samples
- Unlock the potential of challenging samples with the extensively optimized KAPA HyperCap FFPET DNA Workflow and the accuracy provided by the KAPA Universal UMI Adapter
- Sequence with confidence low quantity and low quality FFPET DNA samples by achieving high percentage of error-free positions over your target (>94%)
- Achieve uniform and deep sequencing coverage with greater that 92% of bases covered within 0.5x – 2x of the median and greater than 88% of exon bases covered by more than 300x

Figure 1. Key sequencing metrics with the KAPA HyperCap Oncology Panel. Two real-world low-quality FFPET DNA samples were compared with the Horizon™ HD789 control FFPE DNA sample. Sample libraries (in duplicates) were prepared following the KAPA HyperCap FFPET DNA Workflow from 10 ng FFPE DNA with the KAPA HyperPlus Kit. Following single library hybridization and capture, the final libraries were sequenced on a NextSeq™ 550 system and downsampled to 10 M HQ filtered clusters (2 x 150 bp) prior to analysis.
Achieve deep sequencing from 10 ng of cfDNA
- Retrieve sufficient unique molecules with high percentage of duplex molecule recovery for deep and efficient cell-free DNA sequencing with the KAPA Universal UMI Adapter
- Achieve high genome equivalent recovery rates and cover more than 97.5% of your target bases with at least 1000x from just 10 ng of cfDNA with the KAPA HyperCap cfDNA Workflow
Figure 2. Five healthy donor cfDNA samples were tested in duplicate (average is shown), in parallel with SeraSeq® ctDNA Complete™ Reference Material AF0.5% (duplicates) starting from 10 ng of input. The KAPA HyperCap cfDNA Workflow was followed using the KAPA HyperPrep Kit and single sample library hybridization and captures. Final libraries were sequenced on a NovaSeq™ 6000 system. Fifty (50) million high-quality filtered clusters (2 x 150 bp) were analyzed per sample

Demo data
Demo data is available for evaluation. Please contact your local Roche representative.
Ordering information for KAPA HyperCap Oncology Panel
View Full TableOrdering information for KAPA HyperCap Oncology Panel
Roche Catalog# | Description | Kit size (Reaction) | How to buy |
09462384001 | KAPA Oncology panel 12 rxn | 12 | Contact us |
09462457001 | KAPA Oncology panel 24 rxn | 24 | Contact us |
09462465001 | KAPA Oncology panel 48 rxn | 48 | Contact us |