KAPA HyperCap Workflow

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KAPA HyperCap Workflow boxes


As next-generation sequencing (NGS) sample preparation entails a multitude of steps and each step is critical for the overall sequencing success and efficiency, all steps need to be optimized in terms of reagents and protocol. Considering the precious nature of NGS samples, an integrated workflow with optimized reagents is necessary for converting the samples into a sequencing-ready library. NGS sample types can differ in terms of their:

  • Ease of sequencing - uniform or with secondary structures or GC-rich areas
  • Quality - freshly extracted or preserved (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE))
  • Quantity - limited plasma cell-free DNA inputs
  • Volume available - reasonable amounts to very small sample volumes

Taking into account all these variations, it is important to use library preparation reagents that can work together with all these sample types. High-quality library preparation reagents help in obtaining uniform and improved coverage as well as lower duplication rates. Depending on the end goal (for example, whole exome sequencing), a target enrichment step may also be required for enriching specific regions of interest. Use of high-efficiency target enrichment reagents helps in obtaining uniform and high depth of coverage.

The latest version KAPA HyperCap Workflow combines validated products for both KAPA Library Preparation and KAPA HyperCap Target Enrichment Probes and all accessories and reagents needed for sample preparation into a single workflow. The KAPA HyperCap Target Enrichment Probes provide high capture efficiency, sequencing uniformity and low duplication and together with the KAPA EvoPrep and KAPA EvoPlus V2 Kits, the workflow delivers better target coverage and higher variant detection confidence. In addition, the workflow includes KAPA Universal Adapter, KAPA Universal UMI Adapter and KAPA UDI primer mixes (up to 384). The KAPA HyperCap Workflow utilizes the renowned probe design and selection algorithm and provides the convenience of simplified ordering and support from a single vendor, and is automation friendly. 

Features and Benefits of the KAPA HyperCap Workflow


  • Higher library conversion efficiency and lower index misassignments with the innovative adapters and UDI primer mixes
  • Enhanced sequencing performance and a faster workflow with a new end-repair, A-tailing chemistry and a single-sided post-ligation size selection
  • Increased capture uniformity and sequencing efficiency with higher fidelity probes manufactured using KAPA HiFi polymerase
  • Confirmed presence and expected concentration of probes through NGS-based QC
  • Convenient all-inclusive workflow with validated products and simplified ordering and support from a single vendor
Integrated and streamlined workflow
  • Higher efficiency in library preparation process with lower input amounts
  • Higher coverage with low duplicate rates
  • Automation-friendly
  • Ordering and support of all products of the workflow from a single vendor
  • Bead-based hybridization setup, single temperature hybridization washes, UEO's included, no SpeedVac required
Universal Enhancing Oligos (UEOs) allow for easy experiment planning

  • Reduced time and complexity with the elimination of adapter-matched blocking oligo use
  • Flexibility to block 6- and 8-base barcode adapters and use with single- or dual-indexing strategies
Validated with the AVENIO Edge System and easily automated on multiple other platforms
  • Full walkaway automation on the AVENIO Edge System
  • Reduced instrumentation requirement enabling easy automation on other systems
  • Multiplexing consistently performing between the manual and the automation methods
Efficient library construction with KAPA HyperPlex Adapters
  • Minimal levels of adapter dimer formation
  • Nominal levels of barcode cross contamination as confirmed by sequencing-based QC testing
  • Higher multiplexibility compared to existing options
  • Higher library conversion rate
  • Accurate molecule counting and PCR/Sequencing error correction with the KAPA Universal UMI Adapter
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DNA Library Prep Kits

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DNA Library Prep Kits

DNA Library Prep Kits
Roche Catalog # Description Kit Size (Reaction)
10154039001 KAPA EvoPrep Kit 24
10096039001 KAPA EvoPrep Kit 96
10153849001 KAPA EvoPrep Kit 384
10153865001 KAPA EvoPrep Kit, 96 well plate 96
9420037001 KAPA EvoPlus V2 Kit 24
9420053001 KAPA EvoPlus V2 Kit 96
9420339001 KAPA EvoPlus V2 Kit 384
9420428001 KAPA EvoPlus V2 Kit, 96 well plate 96

Accessory and Reagent Products

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Accessory and Reagent Products

Accessory and Reagent Products
Roche Catalog # Description Kit Size (Reaction)
9063781001 KAPA Universal Adapter, 15uM 960 uL 96
9063790001 KAPA Universal Adapter, 15uM 4x960 uL 384
9329862001 KAPA Universal UMI Adapter, 960 uL 96
9329889001 KAPA Universal UMI Adapter, 4x960 uL 384
9134336001 KAPA UDI Primer Mixes, 1-96 96
9329838001 KAPA UDI Primer Mixes, 97-192 96
9329846001 KAPA UDI Primer Mixes, 193-288 96
9329854001 KAPA UDI Primer Mixes, 289-384 96
9075810001 KAPA HyperCapture Reagent kit 24
9075828001 KAPA HyperCapture Reagent kit 96
9075917001 KAPA HyperCapture Reagent kit 384
9075780001 KAPA HyperCapture Bead kit 24
9075798001 KAPA HyperCapture Bead kit 96
9075909001 KAPA HyperCapture Bead kit 384
9075836001 KAPA Universal Enhancing Oligos 24
9075852001 KAPA Universal Enhancing Oligos 96
9075895001 KAPA Universal Enhancing Oligos 384
9075763001 KAPA Hybrid Enhancer Reagent, 1 mL 25
9075879001 KAPA Probes resuspension buffer, 1 mL 250
9075887001 KAPA Probes resuspension buffer, 5 mL 1250

Target Enrichment Probes

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Target Enrichment Probes

Target Enrichment Probes
Roche Catalog # Description Kit Size (Reaction)
Varies KAPA HyperExome V2 Probes Varies
Varies KAPA HyperCap Heredity Panel Varies
Varies KAPA HyperCap Oncology Panel Varies
KAPA HyperChoice Probes Varies
KAPA HyperExplore Probes Varies
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