KAPA3G Plant PCR Kits are designed for PCR using purified DNA, DNA prepared by crude extraction methods (crude sample PCR), and for direct PCR (plant material added directly to the PCR reaction). The kit contains KAPA3G DNA Polymerase, a novel third-generation (3G) enzyme that was engineered via our directed evolution technology for improved tolerance to common plant-derived PCR inhibitors such as polyphenolics and polysaccharides.
KAPA3G Plant PCR Kits

- Fast PCR direct from plant tissues such as leaf discs, seeds and crude plant extracts
- Streamlined workflows for transgenic screening
- Improved PCR success rates and reproducibility
- Efficient amplification of long and difficult targets from all sample types
Product highlights
Amplification of long targets (up to 5 kb) from crude samples and purified DNA
- High yield and specificity with purified DNA and crude samples
View data showing efficient PCR amplification of targets of different lengths from various plant materials using KAPA3G Plant PCR Kits.

Figure 1. Targets of different lengths (297 bp and 4100 bp from tobacco, 640 bp from tomato, 1221 bp from grapevine, and 1448 bp and 2249 bp from potato) were amplified from purified DNA (+) or leaf discs (L) using the KAPA3G Plant PCR Kit. For each species, genomic DNA was purified using a commercial DNA purification kit. Crude material was sampled using a 0.5 mm diameter Harris Uni-Core sampling tool. Purified DNA (1 – 10 ng per reaction, depending on species) and crude samples were used as templates in 50 μL PCRs, with 40 cycles of amplification. Reaction products were analyzed on a 1% agarose gel. KAPA Express DNA Ladder (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 4000, 8000 bp) was used as a MW marker.
Direct PCR from a variety of plant species and tissue types
- Direct PCR with leaf disc or seed as template
- No need for time-consuming DNA extractions
View data showing PCR amplification of genomic DNA from various plant materials directly using KAPA3G Plant PCR Kits.

Figure 2. Plant genomic DNA was purified from all species using a commercial DNA purification kit. A Harris Uni-Core sampling tool (0.5 mm diameter) was used to sample leaves (all species) or seeds (all species except tobacco and Arabidopsis; for these one crushed seed was used per reaction). PCRs (50 μL) contained the crude sample or 1 – 10 ng purified DNA (depending on the species), and 40 cycles were performed in all cases. Targets ranged between 500 and 900 bp, and reaction products were analyzed in a 1% agarose gel. KAPA Express DNA Ladder (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 4000, 8000 bp) was used as a MW marker.
Streamlined workflows and improved turnaround times
- Perform PCR in half the time compared with wild-type enzymes
- Eliminate the need for time-consuming DNA extraction
View data showing significantly reduced reaction time for direct PCR on plant samples using KAPA3G Plant PCR Kits compared to wild-type Taq.

Figure 3. Direct PCR using the KAPA3G Plant PCR Kit outperforms CTAB extraction and standard PCR using wild-type Taq with significantly shorter turnaround times. Workflow reaction times based upon CTAB Protocol for Isolating DNA from Plant Tissues and Kapa 3G Plant Technical Data Sheets.
Improved success rates with novel crude sample plant PCR workflow
- Use extraction buffer to prepare crude extracts for plant PCR in just 5 minutes
- High success rates with even the most challenging sample types
View high-quality PCR data using the novel crude sample plant PCR workflow with KAPA3G Plant PCR Kits.

Figure 4. Crude sample PCR with the Tab c/d primer pair was performed on leaves and/or seeds from 8 plants, with 1 μL of crude extract prepared without heat treatment (left) or 1 μL of crude extract prepared with heat treatment (right). Reactions were set up as described in the KAPA3G Plant PCR Kit TDS, and 45 cycles of PCR performed with annealing at 55 °C, and 20 sec extension at 72 °C per cycle. KAPA Express DNA Ladder (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 4000, 8000 bp) was used as a MW marker. 1: Eucalyptus; 2: Grapevine; 3: Wheat leaf; 4: Wheat seed; 5: Canola leaf; 6: Canola seed; 7: Rice seed; 8: Barley seed; 9: Corn kernel; 10: Cotton seed; 11: Cotton leaf.
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*Data on file.
Store kits for 12 months at -20°C.
Kits include KAPA3G Plant DNA Polymerase (2.5 U/µL), KAPA Plant PCR Buffer with dNTPs (2X, with 1.5 mM MgCl2 and 0.2 mM of each dNTP at 1X), and MgCl2 (25 mM).
Components |
KAPA3G Plant DNA Polymerase (2.5 U/μL) |
KAPA Plant PCR Buffer (2X) Contains MgCl2 and dNTPs |
MgCl2 (25 mM) |
For purchasing or general questions
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KAPA Code |
Roche Cat. No |
Description |
Kit Size |
How to buy |
KK7251 |
07961723001 |
Standard kit | 250 x 50 µL reactions |
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KK7252 |
07961731001 |
Standard kit | 500 x 50 µL reactions |
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