AVENIO Tumor Tissue Targeted Kit V2

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
AVENIO Tumor Tissue Targeted Kits

The AVENIO Tumor Tissue Targeted Kit V2 is a next-generation sequencing (NGS) research assay for genomic profiling of solid tumors from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. It contains 17 guideline-aligned biomarkers, including those in the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines.


Features and Benefits


  • Panel content exactly-matched to gene panel in the AVENIO ctDNA Targeted Kit V2 (same genes, gene regions and hybrid-capture workflow) to facilitate analytical concordance between tissue and plasma
  • All four mutation classes (SNVs, indels, fusions and CNVs) in a single DNA workflow
  • Flexibility to switch between tissue and plasma to support a variety of research applications
  • A streamlined, end-to-end research workflow from extraction to analysis and reporting in 5 days
  • A complete research solution that includes reagents, intuitive analysis and reporting to facilitate in-house adoption of high performance NGS oncology testing

Exceptional Performance1

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  1. Data on file with Roche.
  2. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Accessed Aug 2, 2023.